Week 2 / Course (engl.) –
Erwin Wurm

Where to start when it comes to Erwin Wurm? First of all by saying, that we are so very happy he managed to make time in his tough schedule to give a workshop at this year’s ACSA!

Before we give the word to people who have thought and written so intensly and well about his work already and just offer you the most profound information just by giving you the link to his website, we – not only after just seeing his solo presentation at Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg – dare we say, it seems as if he invented the saying, "humour can be the most brutal thing there is and the most sad one…" Is that not a saying? It should be!

Here the link as promised: http://www.erwinwurm.at/

Week 2 / Lecture (engl.) –
Armen Avanessian

We are really looking forward to the lecture with Armen Avanessian! We won't copy all of the information, but will just give you all the best links you'll want to check. First, his website: http://www.spekulative-poetik.de

...And also a project that we hope to get a sneak peak of: His reflections on the intersections between art and capital provided the impetus for curated by_vienna 2015: Philosopher Armen Avanessian's epynomous essay "Tomorrow Today" addresses artistic strategies for a post-capitalist era. Avanessian explores future (and already existing) alternative models of art and economy.": http://www.curatedby.at/en/home-2015.html

Week 2 / Lecture (engl.) –
Francesca Gavin, Inke Arns, Mod. Thibaut de Ruyter

Francesca Gavin is a writer and curator based in London. Her past exhibitions have included The Dark Cube at the Palais de Tokyo, The New Psychedelia at Mu, Eindhoven and E-Vapor-8 at 319 Scholes, New York, which is being reconfigured at Site Sheffield in June 2014. She is the author of five visual art books and is the Visual Arts Editor of Dazed & Confused and a contributing editor at artsy.net, Sleek and Twin. You can read some of her multifaceted writings here: http://www.dazeddigital.com/user/francescag

Inke Arns, PhD, has been curator and artistic director of Hartware MedienKunstVerein (www.hmkv.de) in Dortmund, Germany, since 2005. As if that weren't enough, she has also worked internationally as an independent curator, writer and theorist specializing in media art, net cultures, and Eastern Europe since 1993. There is far too much more to capture in this short bio--be sure to scope out her website here: http://www.inkearns.de

Week 2 / Tour (engl.) –
Elise Lammer and Eva Wilson

You will often see these two names together Elise Lammer / Eva Wilson They look at systems of love, art and philosophy“ and have been know to produce concepts such as “What is the HD powder of the art world?” In which they explore the way in which social media is being used by artists to transform their everyday lives into an artistic statements. Blurring the lines between exhibitionism and art making. Different from historical cults of (artist-) personality, they understand today’s commoditization of the self as preceding or replacing the creation of the artefact." Well then! After an amazing tour Elise gave at last year’s ACSA; we can’t wait to have them cooperating and inventing a tour together for us this year!

This is a short list of their endeavors:

Eva is as well artistic director at Schinkel Pavilion as part of the excellence cluster at FU Berlin since 2012. She studied Art History and Philosophy at FU and HU in Berlin. From 2011 – 2013 she has been assistant curator at Kunststiftung Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary (TBA21), Vienna.

Read on here: http://www.60pages.com/eva-wilson/

Elise was born 1982 in Lausanne, Switzerland; she was trained as a fine artist in Barcelona and holds an MFA in Curating from Goldsmiths College, London. Alongside other experimental curatorial projects, her long term exhibition series, Hotel Palenque, is a nomadic programme of newly commissioned contemporary art projects focusing on producing and presenting works by emerging artists on a single A0 non-reproducible print. She is the host and founder of Kunsthalle Roveredo, an artist’s residency programme and exhibition space located in Graubunden, Switzerland. The curator of Post Digital Cultures, a yearly symposium exploring the relationship between art and new media, commissioned by the Swiss Federal Office of Culture and Les Urbaines Festival, Lausanne, Switzerland. In Autumn 2014, she became the associate curator of SALTS in Basel. She is a regular contributor to Novembre Magazine, Lausanne/Paris and Artlicks, London... And we know already, that she has been nominated for the Swiss Art Award 2015 – and keep our fingers crossed!!

Read on here: http://www.postdigitalcultures.ch


